Generating sales can be tough. Really tough. Especially online, where you’re competing with thousands of other businesses all over the country. The good news is, there’s lots you can do to help get more browsers reaching for their debit cards and making a purchase. In this article, we’ve rounded up our top five suggestions – and best of all, they’re all things you can action straight away.

1.       Show reviews and testimonials

If people are going to buy from you, they need to trust you. And if they’ve never bought from you before – or if they don’t know anyone who has – the only thing they’ll have to go off is feedback they see on your website and social media pages. If you already have customer feedback, make sure you display it prominently on your website. If not, start reaching out to previous customers asking for product reviews which you can display on your website’s product pages – it’ll really help give your bottom line a boost.

2.       Create a sense of urgency

One great way to encourage people to click that ‘buy now’ button is to create a sense of urgency. FOMO is real – use it to your advantage. There are loads of ways you can make people feel like they need to be quick, like…

·       Promoting a limited time offer or discount

·       Displaying when an item is low in stock

·       Adding a countdown to the cut-off time for next day delivery

Whatever method you choose, make sure it’s clearly advertised on your website and product pages – adding a banner or a pop-up works well.

3.       Offer a money-back guarantee

One of the key principles of consumer psychology is something called risk aversion – a type of cognitive bias that essentially means people tend to be careful to avoid a loss. Most of the time, that loss would be a financial one. If you want people to buy your products, you need to remove as much risk as possible – and one good way to do that is to offer their money back if they’re not entirely satisfied with their purchase. Now, you might think this could end up getting expensive, but the reality is, if your product really is good, the vast majority of customers will want to keep hold of it!

4.       Invest in quality product photography

Your website is basically your storefront, so it’s really important to show your products in the best possible light. Things like poor lighting, messy backgrounds and pixelated images can make your business look unprofessional and won’t do your sales numbers any favours at all. It’s a good idea to have plenty of photos of each product, too, showing it from all angles where necessary.

Great product photography doesn’t have to be expensive. Yes, you can pay a professional to take top-notch shots for you, but you can also do it yourself with the help of things like lightboxes and white or branded backdrops. Showing your products in situ – like clothes on a model or garden furniture arranged nicely on a patio – can really help your customers visualise them in their lives, as well.

5.       Invest in quality, persuasive copy

What you say about your products can have a huge impact on how your potential customers perceive them. The number one rule in marketing is to describe the benefits, not just the features – this helps people understand how your products can solve whatever problem it is they have. You’ll want to make people feel confident that your products are what they need, and build their trust in the process. The art of persuasion is tricky to master, though, so if you’re not an experienced writer, it might be worthwhile to call in the professionals.  

At Sell it with Science, we’re experts in turning browsers into buyers with clever copy that converts. If you want to take your online sales to the next level, reach out to us today and let’s see how we can help!


